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August 30, 2010


"I could do that job in my sleep" was one of the comments on a post I wrote. The person missed the fact that there are 3 questions that need answering in an interview: can you do the job, are you motivated by the work, and how will you fit in with the team?

By the time you get to the hiring manager, job skills are practically a given. You need to prove the rest, whether you can do the job in your sleep or not...

I agree with that. Even if your the best employee but if you can't work with a team, it is useless.

I agree, I definitely look for the company, office & department culture when I was looking for a job. I'm not referring to the 'company culture' on their site, that's what the copywriter or HR carefully crafted for the company. Usually I can spot it by the interpersonal behavior in the office when I walk through the hallways going to the interview.

How my coworkers behavior would somewhat impact how I would act at work & how I feel at work & after-work.

Honestly, experience & skills can be gain in the job, but behaviour & habits can't change that easily. (if at all)

Interesting post, but I think there needs to be more distinction between what one needs to get the job versus what one needs to excel at it. I am currently searching for a job, and I am finding that employers will not even consider applicants below a certain education and experience threshold. Unfortunately, there is no easy or succinct way to put one's "organizational culture/motivational fit" or "interpersonal behaviors" into a one- or two-page resume.

The problem like anything else is that all this motivational stuff doesn't matter until you get the chance to have the job in the first place. Once you get the job then you can prove it. Until then, one is at the mercy of the employer. Employers so think that experience is all that matters most of the time and their so wrong. Experience is so overrated. One can do the job even if one doesn't have experience. The person would learn what he or she needs to on the job like everyone else. If nobody learned on the job, then how did everyone else gain the experience? exactly.

@Billy: Being at the mercy of the employer is exactly why you have to make sure they like you!

@Carrie: Agreed. I'm interpreting the study to mean that interpersonal behavior in an interview situation will hold more weight than on paper creds.

@Ian: Great point! It is JUST as important for the prospective employee to evaluate the culture of the organization. It's a two way street.

@Bill: Thanks for your comment!

@Scot: Great to see you, my friend! And I personally wouldn't want an employee on autopilot, would you?

I agree with this article
If you can not work with the team so it's no use

Thank you for this information

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